Skipper Bill aboard his whaler cruising the waters of Lake George

A Lake-side view of our waterfront resting spot |

Kevin cleaning and pollishing |

A stop at the Adirondack Museum. (A great place to stop along some great riding roads!)

Lots of great food... great company... great roads... and HOT weather! |

We played bocce, cards, dice,
---and TWiSTER!

Cliff taking a break with his bike |

Gee, with his 1500 Ed always carried a spare stator. Is he carrying a spare tire with his 1800??

Waiting in line at the Double H Ranch for the Meet the Press Poker Run

Cliff Eldridge was honored by the International Board at the open house at the Lake George FD with a presentation acknowledging his 22 year tenure as the Mass-2 treasurer. Cliff is the longest serving chapter officer in all of the International.

There is always time for a stop and a meal at the Stoney Creek Inn.

We finished off the week with some great steaks and hot sausages on the grill for Friday night.

Making our way down Canada Street during the parade.

We had a white board outside the cabin to let each other know where we were going and what we were doing.
One afternoon it said gone fishing. Upon investigation our two fishermen were found sleeping in the hammocks by the water. Must have been dreaming of the one that got away!

See you next year!