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Red Knights Motorcycle Club
Massachusetts 2
Chapter Events for 2003

Pictures from 2003Pictures from 2001 | Pictures from 2002 2003 Schedule in PDF Format
January 25, 2003:..........Massachusetts State Meeting, 1:00 p.m. at the Boylston F.D.
..........Thanks to the officers from the different chapters around Massachusetts that were able to join us to discuss the RKMC in Mass. and the up coming riding season. 2003 is holding great promise for us all. Reps from every active chapter in Massachusetts were able to meet at the birthplace of the RKMC.
February 8, 2003: ..........Winter Pot Luck.
.......... We had over 30 people and lots of food at the Apple Hill Farm in Leominster! We talked about our Americade Plans, and our 2003 ride schedule!
February 21-23, 2003: ..........Red Knights - Ontario - 7 Winter Frolic! ..........As always, our hosts were wonderful and it was a great time with our sister chapter to the north. The guys visited the Halifax restoration project at the airbase, the girls' planned picnic got moved to the Rolsky's basement because of the weather and amid ice and snow the "Frolic" went on!
March 22, 2003:.............Train ride into Boston
..........It was a superb spring day in the city for our 14 members and friends who took the train into Boston. We stopped at the Museum of Science, had a wonderful meal at Mother Anna's, pastries at Mike's Pastry, and enjoyed the street performers and people watching at Quincy Market.
April 12, 2003:..........Annual Dinner Meeting
..........Another big crowd of members to talk of rides and RKMC issues.
May 2-4, 2003: ..........RKMC New England Regional Dutch-treat weekend on Cape Cod
.........Sunshine, warm temperatures, your bike, and your friends. Who could ask for more! The weathermen were all wrong with their forecasts of rain!Pictures from the 2002 weekend.
May 18, 2003: ..........Wright's Chicken Farm
.........Last May 18 brought several inches of snow to northern Worcester County, but this year, May 18 was a picture perfect spring day for a ride to Wright's Farm and some great food!
June 1-8, 2003: ..........Americade 2003 in Lake George, NY ...Even though Mother Nature may not be the greatest during this time of year, Americade always is with lot's of fun, dealers, motorcycles, and friends. Pictures from the 2002 week!
June 21, 2003:.......... RK Mass-12 Chicken BBQ
.........A few riders braved the forecast and had a good ride sponsored by our friends in Mass-12... good chicken cooked by the Warren Firefighters too!
June 20-22, 2003:.......... New England Fire Chief's Show in West Springfield, Mass.
.........The Red Knights are manned an informational booth at the NEFCA Fire/Rescue/EMS Exhibition at the Eastern States Exposition Center (The Big E again this year).
June 27-29, 2003:.......... Whitewater Rafting in Maine
.........SPLASH! Had some great roads to ride and great water on the Kennebec River to run!Check out the 2003 picture page
July 13, 2003:.......... Pot Luck BBQ
......... Thanks to Kevin and Lori for opening their home for a great afternoon!.
July 25-27, 2003:.......... RK Connecticut-2's Ride and Stay Weekend
.........Each year our friends to the south have a great time as they pass through Massachusetts and head into New Hampshire and Vermont.
July 26, 2003:.......... Breakfast Ride
......... Off in the wods for breaksfast at Parker's Maple barn in Mason, NH.
.........Hosted by Red Knights, Quebec-3 in Laval, Quebec.
August 17, 2003:..........New England Ride for Kids
.........Thank you for your help. See you next year!
September 5-7, 2003:.......... Annual Weekend Trip to Wells, Maine ......... As always it was a great weekend with wonderful friends, here are a few pictures on the 2002 Picture Page from last year's trip. Pictures from the 2001 weekend
September 14, 2003:.......... RK Mass-4 Scavenger Hunt
......... The morning fog and drizzle didn't dampen our spirits, and the afternoon sun was a welcome site. The ride took us to the Hardwick Wineries.
October 5, 2003: .............Breakfast in Jaffrey .............The Jaffrey, NH Fire Department always puts on a fantastic breakfast to open Fire Prevention week each year, and this year was no different!
October 12, 2003: .............Apple Pie Festival .............Mother Nature wasn't cooperating with her cold and wet weather, but we had a big croud for our annual meeting and election of officers and when we headed out to Dummerston for some apple pie we still had 12 bikes with us.
October 18, 2003: .............Breakfast and then a Ride
..........It was a frosty October morning but we still had 8 members on board for a liesurely breakfast. Then we decided that we all had chores to do around the house and postponed our ride to Salem.
November 2, 2003: .............Polar Bear Ride
..........The ride did not live up to its name,as we had moderate temperatures in the 50's and a few sprinklers. Unlike 2002 when it was 19 degrees and the grass had a covering of snow. Almost time to store the bikes away for the winter. Ride safe!
- December 14, 2003: .............Christmas Party & Yankee Gift Swap
.......... 1:00 p.m. -- This year's party is being planned for the Apple Hill Farm in Leominster
- On the second Thursday during the months of May, June, July, August, and September we'll be meeting at the Westminster Fire Station at 6:30 p.m. for the same thing. Let's investigate how many ice cream shops there are in Central Massachusetts! That's May 8, June 12, July 10, August 14, and September 11.What a great idea for those hot summer evenings!
RK Breakfast Club!
- If we're not doing Ice Cream... let's make it Breakfast!
On the third Saturday during the months of October through April we'll be meeting at the Westminster Fire Station at 8:00 a.m. to investigate different restaurants for breakfast! That's February 15, March 15, April 19, October 18, November 15, and December 20. |
Other Rides and Clubs:
New England Ride for Kids!
Red Knight Chapters
| Other Info

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Page maintained by Bob Laford If you have motorcycle events that you think should be added to
this page, please let us know.