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Red Knights Motorcycle Club
Massachusetts 2
Chapter Events for 2004

Pictures from 2004Pictures from 2003 Pictures from 2001 | Pictures from 2002 2004 Schedule in PDF Format
February 8, 2004: ..........Sledding Party and Winter Pot Luck.
.......... What a great time in Ashby! It was a
little cold, but bright blue skies, fresh snow to "slide" on, great food, and a
lot of fun! Check out our sledding pictures.
February 21, 2004:..........Massachusetts State Meeting, 10:00 a.m. at the Boylston F.D.
..........Because of some new England ice and freezing rain,
the meeting was postponed until March 13. Congratulations to Steve Mickle
on his reelection as Massachusetts State Repa nd to Spike Ostiguy of Mass-4 on
his election to Assistant State Rep.
March 13, 2004:.............Train ride into Boston
..........The weather was GREAT! We had 18 members
join us for a fun day and lots of food in Boston.
April 3, 2004:..........Annual Dinner Meeting
........Lot's of food and BUNKO until midnight!
April 30-May 2, 2004: ..........RKMC New England Regional Dutch-treat weekend on Cape Cod
.........Sunshine, warm temperatures, your bike, and your
friends. Who could ask for more! Pictures from the 2003 weekend are on the '03 picture page
and from '04 on the 2004 Picture Page. This year we
were at the Yarmouth Resort on Route 28 in West Yarmouth
May 22, 2004: ..........Come watch the Dogs Run at the Hinsdale Raceway
.........Rained Out!
May 30, 2004: ..........Vietnam Veteran's Motorcycle Run (Gardner Chapter 907)
.........Motorcycle Run and Chicken BBQ - Rain or Shine -- Registration 8:15-9:45 at the Gardner American Legion on Elm Street.
June 7-13, 2004: ..........Americade 2004 in Lake George, NY ...Best
weather ever for Americade! We had a great time and
here are some pictures.
June 17, 2004:.......... 120 Club Drawing (and Ice Cream Ride)
.........Thanks to everyone who helped make our raffle a
June 25-27, 2004:.......... Whitewater Rafting in Maine
.........SPLASH! We had two cabins and two boats full of Red
Knights... everyone had a great time, and everyone was super tired by the time
they got home!
July 17, 2004:.......... Pot Luck BBQ
......... Had a great time and fine weather at Donna and Shaky's.
July 22-25, 2004:.......... RK Connecticut-2's Ride and Stay Weekend
.........Each year our friends to the south have a great time as they pass through Massachusetts and head
towards Lincoln, New Hampshire. Check
out their chapter web page for more information.
July 25, 2004:..........
Alzheimer's Association Benefit Ride
.........A beautiful summer's day was the perfect backdrop to
a leisurely roll around the Quabbin Reservoir to benefit the Alzheimer's
Association. Look for the worthwhile ride next season too.
August 7, 2004:..........
Uranium Mine in Grafton, NH.
......... What a great summer day for a ride! 250 (+)
miles, some great roads, a spectacular visit at the mine and even some ice cream
before we were home.
August 15, 2004:.......... New England Ride for Kids
.........It was a rainy day but the 50 bikes and 50 (or so)
4-wheelers still brought in $67,000! WOW!
.........From the
pre-trip to the Canadian Rockies through the Sunday farewell breakfast... a
convention unmatched!-
September 5, 2004:.......... Labor Day Weekend Picnic at the Kilhart's Camp in Royalston
A nice
fall-like day for a ride and our party. Thanks Tim & Darlene!-
September 17-19, 2004:.......... Annual Weekend Trip to Wells, Maine ......... Always a great time.
We shared the weekend with Hurricane Ivan's Rain but still had a lot of fun!
Check out the pictures on the 2004 picture page.
October 3, 2004: .............Breakfast in Jaffrey .............As
always, the Jaffrey, NH Fire Department puts on a fantastic breakfast to open
Fire Prevention week! We had a dozen bikes under blue skies go along for
the ride.
October 10, 2004: .............Apple Pie Festival
.............WOW! We had 19 bikes ride up together for some Apple Pie,
Cider Donuts, and lots of other goodies.
October 30, 2004: .............Halloween Costume Party and Pot Luck
..........Who was that masked man? What a great
party - costumes and all.
November 7, 2004: .............Polar Bear Ride
..........A beautiful fall day with sunshine and
temperatures in the 60's met us as we headed over to "The Barn" in Leominster
for a late brunch..
November 20, 2004: .............It's our monthly Breakfast Club with a twist...
..........Three tables full of friends for breakfast but
only a hand full to try their luck at the casino... and maybe our luck will be
better next time!
December 12, 2004: .............Christmas Party & Yankee Gift Swap
.......... What a great time... lots of great food, fun
stories, and many laughs with our gifts. Thanks for another great year.
See you on the road in '05!
- On the second Thursday during the months of May, June, July, August, and September we'll be meeting at the Westminster Fire Station at 6:30 p.m. for the same thing. Let's investigate how many ice cream shops there are in Central Massachusetts! That's May 13, June 17, July 8, August 12, and September 9.What a great idea for those hot summer evenings! (Note: June 17 is not the second Thursday, but that's the date for June and we'll draw our 120 club winners that night too).
RK Breakfast Club!
- If we're not doing Ice Cream... let's make it Breakfast!
On the third Saturday during the months of October through April we'll be meeting at the Westminster Fire Station at 8:00 a.m. to investigate different restaurants for breakfast! That's February 21, March 20, April 17, October 16, November 20, and December 18. (Note: The time for April 17 is 9:00 a.m.) |
Other Rides and Clubs:
New England Ride for Kids!
Red Knight Chapters
| Other Info
Saturday, May 8, 2004:..........
Gardner Lions Club Ride for
from 9 AM to 10 Am at the Williams Restaurant, Route 2 Exit 23
Sunday, May 16, 2004:.......... RK Mass-4 Scavenger Hunt
Sunday, June 6, 2004.........
Xtreme Riders 3rd Annual Leukemia Run
Saturday, June 26, 2004.........
Mass Motorcycle Association -
District 3 Poker Run to benefit the MMA PAC of
MassachusettsSaturday, July 24........
Dakin Animal Shelter
"Ride for the Animals"
...food, fun, and friends (two-legged and four!). More info to come |

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Page maintained by Bob Laford If you have motorcycle events that you think should be added to
this page, please let us know.