Massachusetts Chapter 2
Chapter Events for 2006
Pictures from 2006
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2006 Schedule in PDF Format
Saturday, January 21, 2006: Mass State Representative‘s Meeting.
Massachusetts Chapter Officers' meeting 1:00 p.m. at the Boylston Fire Station, to include
information on the 2007 Anniversary Convention.
Sunday, January 22, 2006: Officers' ride planning meeting
We'll be planning the rides! .
Saturday, February 4, 2005: Northeast Motorcycle Expo in Boston.
It was great weather and a great time at the Boston Bike Show. Lot's of bikes and bikers and a lot of fun. Of course where it was the guys' day out we had lunch at Hooters before heading home!
Sunday, February 19, 2006: Winter Pot-luck and sledding party.
It was a beautiful cold winter's day with
bright blue skies... but NO SNOW on the ground - so no sledding this year!
Lot's of food and fun inside though.
Sunday, March 5, 2006. Americade Pot-luck Planning Meeting.
Are you planning on going to Americade in June? Then
join us at the Kilhart‘s in Athol at 1:00 p.m. to have some planning
for the week‘s events. Bring some food to share too. (The food planning
meeting for the Americade trip will be on May 24 at 6:00 p.m. at Peg’s
Saturday, April 8, 2006. Athol "River
Rat Race Parade" and RK Brunch afterward
Mother Nature was not very cooperative. Cold
and damp she kept the bikes away from the parade this year.
Saturday, April 29 2006. A Trip to Boston with some Medieval
Flare...and fare.
We had a group of thirteen members and friends motor into Boston for an evening at the
Medieval Manor.
What a great show! Then it was a stop at Mike's Pastry before heading back home.
Friday, May 5 – Sunday, May 7 2006. Cape Cod Dutch Treat Weekend
The weather was just perfect! Sunny skies all weekend long. That made up for the rain we had in 2005. We stayed in Eastham this year at the Town Crier Motel and curved and banked our way around the end of the Cape from Chatham to Provincetown. SOme really great roads and wonderful views.
Saturday, May 20 2006. A ride around central Mass and
a stop or two in Worcester.
We had a nice stop at the Higgins
Armory and the Massachusetts Vietnam Memorial in Worcester. We‘ll
also stopped for ice
cream at a very special spot!
Week of June 4-10 2006. Americade
— Lake George, N.Y.
Even though it rained... and rained... we still
had a great time. Check out some pictures.
Sunday, June 18 2006. Father’s Day Picnic Ride
It had to be close to a perfect summer's day
for a ride. We stopped at Moore State Park for our lunch, ice cream in
western Massachusetts, and a stop at a central Mass car show before our
150 (+) mile day was done.
June 23-25 2006.
New England Fire Chief’s Show
The Red Knights will have an information booth at
the Fire Chief‘s Show. Thanks to Steve Mickle (Mass-2) and Mark Kerr (CT-2)
(and all those who helped) for their work each year on this promotional
Tuesday, July 4 2006. 4th of July Pot-luck BBQ.
What a great summer's day! Almost two-dozen members
and friends found their way to Petersham for our 4th of July BBQ, and
a dozen or so met up again in Fitchburg for the Thayer Symphony's concert
where we escorted our member, and Thayer's conductor, to the podium for
the night's festivities.
Saturday, July 15 2006. Scavenger Hunt
Thanks go out to Vice-president Kevin Martin for
his work in making our Scavenger Hunt so much fun! It was a hot July day,
but the ride, the ice cream, and the fun with our friends made it a perfect
Weekend of July 21-23 2006. Down-east in Wells, Maine
Guess what? It rained for part of the weekend?!?
But we still had a great time with Cliff and Marty!
Sunday, July 30 2006. Come watch the boys of summer as the
Tornadoes take the field
The final score did not favor the home team, but it was a perfect summer's day and a great afternoon at the ball park!
Saturday, August 5 2006. A ride to the North-Shore
Could not ask for a nicer day as we took teh
backroads from Central Mass to the north shore to enjoy the Hammond Castle,
the ocean-side scenery, and fresh seafood!
August 10-13 2006.
Red Knights’ Convention in NYC
Pictures from the convention are on line at
the International
Web Page. Plan ahead next year for the 25th
Anniversary Convention to be held in Worcester!
Saturday, August 12 2006. Breakfast Ride
Not heading to the convention? Then join us for a
breakfast ride and we can celebrate the VP‘s birthday! Meet at WFD at 8:30
Sunday, August 20
Ride for Kids
Even in the rain
there were over 300 riders and a donation total of $62,400!
Saturday, August 26 2006. Vermont Covered Bridges
We ended up seeing eight covered bridges and
covering 270 miles during our ride that included the
Covered Bridge Museum in Bennington.
Saturday, September 2 2006. Labor Day Weekend Cookout
at the Mickle’s in Nashua
Tropical storm Ernesto threatened to spoil our
BBQ, but he held off any rains for the day. It was windy and cool, but
the cajun seasonings on the BBQ helped keep things warm for the day!.
September 6-10 2006. Killington Classic in Killington,
The rally that is quickly becoming the
one to attend in the fall! We had a weekend of near perfect
weather... that one T-storm with hail is just a passing memory.
Saturday, September 16 2006. Find your way through the
Maze at the Davis’
The Farm Maze in Sterling was quite a challenge...
alittle over two hours, with some help from the staff, and we found our
way out! The weather was perfect so we continued our riding to include
a lunch stop... and of course ice cream.
Sunday, October 8 2006: Breakfast and Apple Pie
What a great day! Not a cloud in the sky, and
twenty bikes. Had a wonderful breakfast at the Jaffrey FD and then off
to Dumemrston for Apple Pie!
Saturday, October 21 2006. Breakfast Club & Salem
Our first Saturday Breakfast Club for the Fall
was on a beautiful autumn day. Eleven bikes and a four-wheeler with 18
members total met for breakfast and then a wonderful ride to Salem to
enjoy the festivities of the season in "Witch City."
Saturday, October 28 2006. Halloween Costume Party
& Pot Luck
Sunday, November 5 2006. Polar Bear Ride and Annual Meeting
and Election of Officers
It was hovering around the freezing mark when
we left home for the Polar Bear Ride. We still had 10 bikes and a handful
of four-wheelers for a big turn out of 24 people for our meeting and ride.
It turned out to be a wonderful afternoon for a fall ride and we ended
up at the Cider Day festival in New Salem.
Saturday, November 18 2006. Monthly Breakfast Club and
then head to the CASINO!
We're still riding! Seven bikes were on hand
(and three four-wheelers) for breakfast. Then a few members headed for
Connecticut to pay our fair share at the casino!
Sunday, December 10 2006. Red Knights Christmas Party
and Yankee Swap
We’re back at the Apple Hill Farm in Leominster
for our dinner, party, and gift swap. ...and a great time was had by all!
See you next year.
On the third Tuesday during the months of May, June, July, August, and September we'll be meeting at the Westminster Fire Station at 6:30 p.m. for the same thing. Let's investigate how many ice cream shops there are in Central Massachusetts! That's May
16, June 20 , July 18, August 15, and September 19.
What a great idea for those hot summer evenings!
RK Breakfast Club!
If we're not doing Ice Cream... let's make it Breakfast!
On the third Saturday during the months of October through April we'll be meeting at the Westminster Fire Station at 8:00 a.m. to investigate different restaurants for breakfast! That's January
21, February 18,
March 18, April 15, October
21, November 18, and December 16.
Other Chapters, Rides, and
Clubs, for 2006:
Red Knights' Links
Red Knight Rides
New England Ride for Kids!
Molly's Ride for Missing Children -
Sunday, June 25 2006.
This charity ride is to raise money for the Molly Bish Foundation
for missing and exploited children. Registration at Quaboag Regional
High School. www.mollybish.org/
for the Children - Saturday, July 8
The North-Quabbin Child and Family Services’ annual charity ride
in and around the towns of the Quabbin region with live
entertainment, food, and fun.
DAKIN Animal Shelter’s Ride for the Animals
Saturday, July 22 2006.
for a Cause Poker Run
to benefit Children with Autism
August 27 2006.
Sponsored by the Easthampton HOG,
the Poker Run is a 100 mile route starting and ending at Conant
Park in Southampton.
Goldwing Road
Riders Massachusetts
Massachusetts Chapter
W GWRRA (Northbridge)
Massachusetts Chapter
D GWRRA (Springfield)
Massachusetts Chapter
M (Fichburg/Leominster)
New Hampshire Chapter
the Leominster H.O.G.'s
on-line for information on their rides.

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Page maintained by Bob
If you have motorcycle events that you think should be added to this page, please let us know.