2006 Chapter Pictures
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2006 Chapter Events
Red Knights International
Pictures from 2005
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Americade 2004
Americade 2005
Americade 2006
RK International Americade Pictures |

"Click" on the image to see a larger picture

The pasta bar is always a favorite stop. |

Caitlin was recognized for her skills as a fellow rider by the
officers of the chapter.

Everyone had a great time with the Yankee gift swap. Deb took
back 41 gifts for the Fishes and Loaves program!
Thanks everyone!
Another great Christmas Party at the Apple Hill Farm!

The President led us down another dirt road! A stop at the Cider
Day Festival in New Salem while on our Polar Bear Ride.
It's nearly Halloween - so it must be time for
a ride to Salem!

Thank you to the hospitality of the Salem Fire Department,
their Chief David Cody, and their on-duty staff for assisting
us with parking during our visit.

Making ourselves at home at SFD before venturing out to the
historic city.

This town crier was searching for one of the accused witches
as he had a warrant for her arrest. "Have you seen her,
she is wearing a red bodice?"
One of the play actors turned to a RKMC member, wearing her
red vest, and asked if she was one of them!

Treasurer Tim Kilhart presenting Jaffrey's Fire Chief (and Smokey)
with a donation from the chapter at their Fire Prevention Week

Picture perfect weather for this year's Apple Pie Festival in
20 bikes from Mass-2 made the ride!

Up on a bridge at the Davis
Farm Maze...
It took some help on the bridges and a little over two hours for
us to find our way out! PHEW!

Designated bike parking.
Having fun at the Killington
Classic in the Green Mountains of Vermont!
Look at the International's
pictures for more shots. |

Bikes bedded down for the evening at the Inn at Six Mountains

A line of 1,500 bikes parade from the Mountain to Rutland

Coming into downtown Rutland

Rutland's block party for the riders and friends
Gathering at the Mickle's for a lazy Saturday aafternoon on labor
Day Weekend.
Plenty of food, friends, and fun!
Visit the International Web Page for more pictures
from the convention in New York City!


A couple of the eight bridges we visited during our
covered bridge ride and stop at the Vermont
Covered Bridge Museum. |
Disembarking at Mt. Holyoke College at the conclusion of the
New England Ride for Kids.
It was a perfect summer's day as we sojourned east to Gloucester
and Rockport and a visit to the Hammond


A stop for fresh seafood with a beautiful harbor view...

...and ice cream at Kimball's to round out the day!

A day with the Worcester Tornadoes...
Fantastic weather...

...and a great game with superb seats!

Thanks to our Road Captain, guide, and host as we enjoyed the
route, the food, the fun, and the game!
Off to Wells, Maine for a weekend with Marty and Cliff.
It rained a little... (it rained a lot over night)
But we still had a lot of fun and got some riding in too. |

There was time for the bikes... |

Time for all sorts of excitement
(since it could have been any of the guys we'll
keep his identity secret)

Time for food

And a lot of time for fun.

One of the arcades even had a Harley Ride

...faster Deb, FAASTER! |

Our Saturday ride was up to Old Orchard before the rains started.

July's ice cream ride saw us n a dirt road for the 2nd month in
a row...
With a stop at Flo's Country Farm Stand in Rutland |

Ed and Kevin at the National Fire Academy during
Gettysburg Bike Week |

RK PA-12 hosted over 150 Red Knights during
Gettysburg Bike
Week |

Looking ove our list of items to "scavenge" during
our Chapter Scavenger Hunt!

A stop for ice cream before heading to minature golf at the
end of our Scavenger Hunt. |
A big crowd at our 4th of July BBQ in Peterssham...
...and then we escorted Maestro Francis into the concert in Fitchburg
and relaxed in the field listening to the Thayer Symphony!

A restful stop at Moore State Park for our picnic during our Father's
Day Picnic Ride |

An ice cream stop in June...
...just before the thunder started and the skies opened up!

At their spring awards presentation the Central Mass Safety Council
recognized our chapter for our work in promoting motorcycle safety
through the MSF Rider Scholarship that we give out each year.
Pictured here is RK Mass 2 member Walter Roach who is a driver
education instructor, Tim Cooney, Executive Director of the Safety
Council, and chapter president Bob Laford

It was West Boylston, not Bermuda, but the Bermuda shorts were
the fashion! I guess they are better than if it was a kilt!

Take a look at the pictures
from the 2006 Americade!
A visit to the Higgins
Armory in Worcester was a lot of fun. We got to see what the
best-dressed Knights wore 500 years ago, as well as today, and
had the opportunity to joust via a chess board. It was a fun museum,
with lots of information.
On Armed Forces Day, May 20, we had the opportunity to stop at
the Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans' Memorial in Green Hill Park
in Worcester. If you have not stopped here - please do. It is
a beautiful tribute to the men and women who served our country
during the Vietnam War.
On our way over the Bourne Bridge for our annual weekend get-away
on Cape Cod... and what a great weekend it was!

A stop at Mattapoiset Light before heading across the canal

Our stay was in Eastham ...

At the Town
Crier Motel

We enjoyed many great roads thanks to our host, Bob Felt of Mass-8.
Our stops included Race Point at the end of the Cape

A stop at Provincetown

Lunch at the Bookstore Restaurant in Welfleet


Sunday we had a ride back up the Cape with a stop in Chatham

We do draw attention to ourselves! We befriended Officer Little,
a Motorcycle Cop in Chatham when we stopped by Chatham Light.

Whose Florida license plate is that??
Yes, Mass-2 has our own snowbirds now!

...of course the weekend had our traditional mini-golf challenge.

A stop at Marconi Station on the Cape Cod National Sea Shore
caught Cliff on the wrong side of the fence looking at the cliffs!

No one truly appreciated our president's colorful shirt... I
bet he wears it at Americade too!

At our Friday lunch stop at Turks, before we came across the
bridge, we met this wonderful lady who was celebrating her 102
birthday. She asked to have her picture taken on the bike and
hopped right up without any help!

The feast begins at the Medieval Manor in Boston
April 2006 -- 6 weeks to go before Americade.
Lake George looks a little different now than the first week in June. There is little traffic, plenty of parking -- PLUS Stoney Creek has not open for the season yet!
Oh no! A late April fire on Canada Street in Lake George
destroyed a block of buildings.
A good way to start the new year is with a winter pot-luck get-together. Although there was not any snow for sledding at the farm this year there was plenty of food and friendship on hand! |

This year's NE Motorcycle Expo at the World Trade Center - Boston |
Kevin and Shakey had to ask for special assistance in reading their menu's! |

Congratulations to Steve Mickle on his success during the season's shows and for taking top honors in the People's Choice and in the Children's Choice for the Boston Show!. |

Charlie explains to our waitress that this was his first visit to Hooters. |

At our December (2005) Christmas Party, International President
Ed Brouillet swore in Tim Kilhart and Bob Shakarian into their
new roles of Chapter Treasurer and Road Captain.