Massachusetts Chapter 2
Chapter Events for 2007
from 2007
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Sunday, January 21, 2007:
Officers' ride planning meeting
We'll be planning the rides! .
Saturday, February 3, 2007:
Northeast Motorcycle Expo in Boston.
It was cold and windy... but we had 14 members that
took the train into Boston (and met up with other RK friends there) for
the Boston Bike show. Lot's to look at and a lot of fun!
Sunday, February 11, 2007: Winter
Pot-luck and sledding Hayride party.
What a great time - and a big crowd! We had 28 members
and friends attend and the weather cooperated for our Hayrde too. We spent
about an hour with two new friends - Bo and Luke our draft horses - that
took us around the woods and fields of Ashby. Then it was back to the
farm for food and to look at the ride schedule for 2007.
Sunday, March 4, 2007: Americade Pot-luck Planning
Are you planning on going to Americade
in June? Us too, several dozen of us as a matter of fact!
Saturday, March 31, 2007: Train Ride to Boston and lunch
at Mother Anna's
Come see what progress the "Big Dig"
has made and what a great neighborhood it is to wander around in now. Of course
the food will be fantastic... and so will the dessert stop at Mike's Pastries. We'll take the 9:27 train out of Leominster and pick up members along the way.
Saturday, April 14, 2007: Athol "River
Rat Race Parade" and RK Brunch afterward
Schedules are not cooperating for the parade.
It looks like we will have to forego a contingent from the chapter for
the ride through Athol.
Saturday, April 21, 2007: A great day for a ride and
some breakfast!
We have waited a long time for a day
like today. Warm weather and plenty of sun brought out over a dozen bikes
for breakfast at Nancy's
Airfield Cafe in Stow. Great Place!
Saturday, April 28, 2007:
Spring Business Meeting (and dinner).
A stress-free day awaited us at the
"On-site Academy" in Gardner where we enjoyed the culinary
speciailites of Mary B. and had the opportunity to learn about the On
Site Academy's CISD work for emergency responders.
Friday, May 4– Sunday, May 6, 2007:
Cape Cod Dutch Treat Weekend
Our weather was great, the roads were wonderful,
and the friendships are always waiting to renew with the first weekend
ride of the season. Our host hotel was the Town
Crier and Bob Felt from Mass-8 was a great tour guide around the nooks
and crannies of the outter Cape.
Sunday, May 20, 2007: A ride to Rhode Island and Dinner
at Wright's Chicken
Rained out! But we will rescheule to Sunday, August
12... meet at WFD at 10:30 a.m.
Week of June 3-9, 2007: Americade
— Lake George, N.Y.
What a great week! Thank everyone. Check
out some pictures.
Sunday, June 17, 2007: Father’s Day Ride to play with trucks
and bikes
It was a beautiful June day for a ride. We were not ablt to visit the antique truck museum in Canterbury because they are closed on Sunday's! But we did stop in Plainfield
at Excalibur Motorsports to peruse the new rides and accessories, lunch at nearby O'Connor's Pub, and an ice cream stop on the way home after passing through a brief shower. Happy Father's Day everyone!
June 22-24, 2007:
New England Fire Chief’s Show
The Red Knights had an information booth at
the Fire Chief‘s Show. Thanks to Steve Mickle (Mass-2) and Mark Kerr (CT-2)
(and all those who help each year) for their work on this promotional
Saturday, June 30, 2007: Day ride to Wells, Maine
What a perfect day! Great weather... s coffee stop with fresh baked scones, the ride to Wells (where Marty had a spread of snacks waiting for us), and fresh sea food before heading home. Of course there was an ice cream stop too.
Wednesday, July 4 2007: 4th of July Pot-luck BBQ.
Thanks to Don H., we had a nice secluded spot for our 4th of July gathering. And guess what, we had a lot of food! ...and the Bocci balls were out as well.
Friday, July 6 - Sunday, July 8, 2007: Route
100 in Vermont is ours for the weekend
We had such a great time at the Swiss Farm Inn, in Pittsford,
Vermont. Located on "motorcycle perfect" route 100 their hospitality topped the weekend of great riding!
July 12-15, 2007: Gettysburg
Bike Week
Pennsylvania-12 were the hosts for the Red Knights events planned for
the week!
Saturday, July 21, 2007: Red Knight's
Crazy Ride
What did that mean? The luck of the draw determined
who the ride leaders were and what direction we were headed! Had a great
time -- even without a planned itinerary or destination. Of course there
was ice cream too!
Saturday, August 4, 2007: New
England's Stonehenge and UNH's
Ice Cream
We changed our direction when we met up on Saturday
morning. Instead of heading north to New Hampshire we headed south through
central Mass and into Connecticut to visit the home of the Huskies and
have ice cream at the UConn
Dairy Bar in Storrs. It was great ice cream too!
August 10-12, 2007: Convention Pre-trip to the White
August 16-19 2007.
Red Knights’ 25th Anniversary Convention in Worcester
The weather was perfect -- there were over 300 Red Knights participating from all over the world, and you ran into Red Knights all over Massachusetts during their visit. And every time they were smiling!
Sunday, August 19,
Ride for Kids
Mother Nature cooperated this year and the 265 riders brought in over $50,000 in donations for the kids!
Saturday, August 25, 2007. Let's Scavenge for some good Deli!
The Vice-president and the Road Captain collaborated on another great scavenger hunt that ha dpeople searching throughout central and western Massachusetts and northern Connecticut. I heard they found some great ice cream too!
Monday, September 3,2007: Labor Day Weekend Cookout at the
Mickle’s in Nashua
Thanks to the Mickles for another great holiday Pot-luck and BBQ.
September 5-9, 2007: Killington Classic in Killington, VT
The rally that is quickly becoming the
one to attend in the fall! The fall riding weather was perfect
in Vermont (as usual).
Saturday, September 22, 2007: Let's go on a Pickle Ride
The roads were great (even though the GPS units said we were "on unknown roads), the activities at the Pickle
Festival in Winchester were fun, and of course there was food to taste... and ice cream before we were through!
Sunday, October 7, 2007: Breakfast and Apple Pie
Warm or cold, the Apple Pie Ride is a well attended staple of our chapter rides. 2007 was no exeception. Temperatures were in the 60's this year and we had 16 bikes and two four-wheelers gather for breakfast in Jaffrey adn Apple Pie in Dummerston!
Saturday, October 20, 2007: Breakfast Club & Mystery Ride
Our first Saturday Breakfast Club for the Fall was met with overnight showers and improving skies when we met for breakfast. It was a great meal (8 bikes and 11 members) before we rode down tot eh Red Knights Memorial in Boylston where we placed some flowers in memory of our lost members.
Then it was off to enjoy the warm fall day with a ride to Hebert's Candies and then through northern Worcester County for some great fall colors!
Sunday, October 28 2007: Halloween Costume Party & Pot
Goul's; a mad surgeon and his unluckey patient, a couple of "graduates;" a knight and his damsel, a pirate, and Betty Boop... and of course food -- including actual "finger" food! Great fun and lots of laughs.
Sunday, November 4, 2007: Polar Bear Ride and Annual Meeting
and Election of Officers
You could not ask for a better November day for the polar bear ride. It was sunny and in the 50's when we left Westmisnter with a dozen bikes. Our ride meandered down to Sturbridge and further west to Brimfield where we had some fantastic waffles and pancakes at the Apple Barn Cafe.
Sunday, December 9, 2007: Red Knights Christmas Party and
Yankee Swap
Forty-seven people came out for a great time and unbelievably
fantastic food! See you next year.
On the third Tuesday during the months
of May, June, July, August, and September we'll be meeting at
the Westminster Fire Station at 6:30 p.m. for the same thing.
Let's investigate how many ice cream shops there are in Central
Massachusetts! That's May 15, June 19, July 17, August
21, and September 18. What a great
idea for those hot summer evenings!
RK Breakfast Club!
If we're not doing Ice Cream... let's make it
Breakfast! On the third Saturday during the months
of October through April we'll be meeting at the Westminster
Fire Station at 8:00 a.m. to investigate different restaurants
for breakfast! That's January 20, February 17,
March 17,
April 21, October 20 (9:00 a.m.), November 17, and December

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Page maintained by Bob
If you have motorcycle events that you think should be added to this page, please let us know.