It doesn't matter if it is blue sky in the morning or not.
Bring your rain gear and plan on getting wet before you are home!

The weather outside was frightful... in the days leading up to our Christmas party, and many of us were still without power and had been busy with our communities' storm responses -- but we needed the break and 39 people made it to the Apple Hill Farm where it was warm, the company was a lot of fun, and the food was fantastic!

Even Les made it down from the Green Mountain State of Vermont to share the fun!

The Brouillet's are definitely the right couple to be ambassadors for the Red Knights! |

...look who was one of the first members to dig in! |

The Roast Beef was great!

...and so was the company.

It looks like they marketed a replica of Mark on his HD!

A visit to the RKMC Memorial during our Polar Bear Ride.
The Brouillet's lay a tribute at the memorial in rememberance of our friends passed. |

It was 28 degrees at 8:00 but we still had seven bikes show up for our first "Breakfast Club" and ride in October. |

We had a dozen bikes lead the dedication parade for Ashburnham's new
Public Safety Complex .

Cutting the ribbon at the new AFD... |

Bike parking was at a premium because it was a perfect day for riding. |

A lot of people were on hand to grab a piece of the 3,000 apple pies at the Apple Pie Festival. (Walter got his!)
Then we were off to ride west on Route 9, 100 south, and down through the town of Monroe to enjoy GREAT foliage along the Hoosic tunnel, the Mohawk Trail and the Route 116 back to the Connecticut River Valley! |

A autumn view from Prospect Mountain looking down on Lake George

Walter R. passing under Old Glory as the Killington Classic Parade enters downtown Rutland, VT. |

Records were set during our stop at the Yankee Siege trebuchet! |

Another great breakfast at the Jaffrey FD -- it was warm inside but a chilly ride up with a temperature of 34! |

(Past International President) Ed Brouillet presents Mass-2 President Bob Laford with a recognition given by the International Board at the convention in Sandusky for Bob's ten years as International Editor. |

Is that Bob sitting on an HD?
No, couldn't be! |

It was a great summer's day when 20 Red Knights met up at the Tully Recreational Area in Royalston for a Labor Day BBQ. |
Red Knights

Sandusky, Ohio
Click for more pictures!

Spending time with motorcyclist supporter and member of the Mass Motorcycle Association State Senator Steve Brewer (at the Petersham Old Home Days)

And with Mass State Rep Chris Donelan (at the Warwick Old Home Days) |

Staging in Warwick before their Old Home Days parade on Labor Day Weekend |

Cliff and Steve arrive with the sea food from "Mike's" during our visit to Wells, Maine.

One of our "nourishment" stops during our "Porker" Ride.

11th Annual Ride for Kids
Nearly 200 riders raised over $69,000!


Picking cards at the stop on Pack Monadnock in Southern New Hampshire during our poker run. |

Tabulating the poker hand results while enjoying an ice cream at Carter Stevens' Farm Stand in Barre. |

...after riding with Terry, this is nothing! |

On our way up Killington Mountain

Top of the world!

Rick a top the "highest mountain" and "climbed the highest tree!" |

A local police officer told us to take cover and get our bikes out of... |

...the approaching "super cell" Thunder Storm. |

So he directed us to a nearby Race Track and their gazebo was large enough to accomodate us, our bikes, and several other bikes that joined our entourage. |
We were back at the Swiss Farm Inn along with some friends from Vermont-2! Les B led us around the White Mountains for 250 miles of fun.
(Here's an article about riding route 100 that was in Backroads Magazine a while ago). |

Les waited all day for this prime rib at AJ's in White River Junction. |

A final stop for the weekend... of course it was for Ice Cream (in Newfane,Vermont) |
Red Knights - along with members of the Patriot Guard and Rolling Thunder lead the 4th of July parade in Petersham

A stop at AFD for the Ayer July 4 celebration (on July 5) |



Is that a "Black Sheep Squadron" official greeting? |

Manning the grills at the July 4th BBQ

...and it's not just burgers and dogs! |


Steve and Ed back in their first "corner!"


The Red Knights have a special place at the memorial in Madawaska |
A group of riders headed north to Madawaska, Maine to participate in the dedication of the Four Corners memorial. Ed and Steve took on the Four Corners in 2000 in memory of our six lost brothers from the Worcester Fire Department. The Four Corners Ride is a timed event to hit the four corners of the United States in 21 days or less.
Ed and Steve's quest is still floating around cyberspace and can be read on line. |

"Can Rick come out to play?"

A stop at the New Salem General Store during a ride on a near perfect June Saturday

I seem to remember that before their 4-corner tour (in 2000) that Steve was the shy one! |

The first day of summer... and of course we celbrated with Ice Cream! And on the second day of summer, we again celebrated with MORE ice cream! |

Brittany Kinosian, winner of the Bull Dog Pride drawing for a refurbished '83 Honda Nighthawk and an MSF Beginner's Course

EVERYBODY likes ice cream! |

Americade 2008 pictures
Thank you to all those who came to Boylston to support Mass-1 during the funeral of Skip Resseguie. There were nearly 40 bikes from New England and New York with Red Knights and Patriot Guard riders standing in honor for our brother.

A stop at the Steaming Tender in Palmer for lunch -- did we mention, it is a GREAT stop for lunch! |

A stop at the Pelham Overlook on Route 202 - with a view of the Quabbin below. |

How many repeat stops will there be this year for ice cream at the UConn Dairy in Storrs? |

Members of Mass 2, 3, and 11 met up at Logan Airport for a tour of the Massport Facilites. |

That's right... Mass 2 |

Massport's Fire Boat, the Howard Fitzpatrick, docked in Boston Harbor. Thanks to all the Massport FF's and Officers for their hospitality |
Our first "official" ice cream ride of the season was an Ice Cream Social at the On Site Academy's new facility in Westminster. We had 25 people (Red Knights and friends from Onsite) and devoured two pans of Mary's Chocolate Chip Squares, ten quarts of ice cream, and a counter full of toppings! |
A stop along the Revere Beach Parkway for lunch at
Kelly's on the Beach |
Cape Cod Weekend... May 2008
It is always a great time when we visit the Cape. 2008 found us back in Eastham -- and even though part of the weekend saw rain we still had a great time. |

It may be raining outside but there are plenty of ways to keep the laughs going! |

...I think those tennis balls will keep showing up all summer long. That's going to be a pretty tight circle. |

The riding may require some extra layers and heated clothing but that does not mean that we don't make an ice cream stop. |

Road Capt'ing makes you hungry.
Thanks to the ladies of Mass-8 for their efforts in a great dinner after our Cape Cod Grand Tour. Some spaghetti, meatballs, and venison sausage -- as well as s' mores on the fire. |
Thanks to our Saturday ride leaders -- Chris Olsen, president of Mass-8 and Jim & Lori McGrath of Mass-8.
They were the tour guides on our 2008 Cape Cod Grand Tour...
take a look at our fire house stops around the Cape.

A special day, the first group ride of the season with an ice cream shop stop! (Route 62, Sterling) |

It's been a long winter - so when we met for breakfast on April 19 and found 9 bikes (a few cars) and 19 members, we knew that we deserved that 80 degree spring day and a nice ride around the Quabbin! |
We got together for a day of parking lot practice to shine up our skills at the beginning of the riding season.
Oh! Those poor tennis balls! |

A visit to the recently dedicated Fallen Firefighters Memorial
at the Massachusetts State House. |

On our walking tour of Boston... from North Station to the State House, and into the North End for lunch! |
The Worcester 6 listed at the Massachusetts Memorial

LODD December 3, 1999
Red Knight Tim Jackson |

Our favorite lunch stop at Mother Anna's in the North End --
-- with dessert at Mike's Pastry |

Taking a look at the wildlife kept behind the bars! |

Steve (sitting next to Mayor Curly) and acting like a politician with his hand out! |

Can you beleive it looks like about 33 members and friends will be at the cabins in Lake George! Of course we had to get together to talk about Americade (and eat). The sign on the wall said
"75 days to Americade!" |

Dean on the run... |

Ice skimming at the Lake George Winter Carnival... and some people think motorcyclists are nuts! |

As expected our Winter Potluck meeting had a lot of good food, good friends... a many stories and plans...

...but it also got us out on an early season adventure on wheels with horese power! |

There was lots to look at when we visited the Boston Bike Show... I think Terry and Dean were looking for divine intervention!

And because the Hooters was closed we had to behave and enjoy a great meal at Mother Anna's... and we told them we'd be back in March. |

Sure... they're forecasting 15 inches of snow for tonight (January 13) but SOMEONE had to let us all know he got out for a January ride before winter returned!
(And he wasn't the only one who snuck in a January ride!)

I believe that this bike was out on Christmas Day and then again on Janaury 8!

Members of the Red Knights at the "Everyone goes home" Whistle Stop ceremony in Framingham in 2007 |